Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Music Video

Location- April 8th 2008 the five of us Shys took a short drive up the road to a place we consider our second home, The Ramos House Cafe in the historic Los Rios district of San Juan Capistrano. Its a part of town where I spent the better part of my childhood growing up and have many fond memories of the entire district. In 2004 the hand of fate intervined and we met the mastermind behind The Ramos House Cafe (John Q). He gave both Alex and I jobs at his place and we quickly realized we had a lot of common interest, perhaps the most common of them being music. The job he offered me was working in the garden looking after the home grown herbs and vegatables that they use in meals at the cafe. This job apealed to me for many reasons, I was outside, alone, in the garden listening to good music and free to take smoke breaks. So a few days a week from the early morning to the late afternoon we would spend our time working and listening to a heathly dose of Tom Waits, Joe Strummer, Nick Cave, among many others. Sometimes we wouldn't work at all and we would sit around on the porch sipping pints, playing and talking about records. As the band became more busy Alex and I eventually stopped working at The Ramos but we really never left, in fact we started hanging around more than ever. John and all our friends at the resteraunt became very near and dear to our hearts and we could think of no better place to shoot the video than the place where we spend most of our free time natrually. Other locations in the video include the San Juan Mission and the petting zoo. For more information on The Ramos House visit www.ramoshouse.com

Director- Vern Moen, The Hobo Soul. You've seen his incredible work all over the place from popular short films, documentaries, to music videos (Delta Spirit, Cold War Kids). To learn more about this talented fellow check out his fantastic website. Vern is currently working on a documentary of the Cold War Kids making their new album as well as planning a trip to Africa to shoot a film.

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