Friday, August 8, 2008

A lot can happen in a months time

Hello my Dears,
Been awhile since I last wrote, my apologies. Lets see what has happend since we last spoke... Hummmm, well quite a lot really, our album came out for starters (7.22), we played some great shows including a sold out record release party at the Troubadour (THANKS very much to those of you who made it out for that), a sold out show supporting the great Albert Hammond Jr. at Spaceland as well as a nice trip to Las Vegas for a record release celebration with our friends out there. We have also shot two new videos for the new album this past month."Savior & "La Costa Verde". My very talented older brother and his friends shot "Savior" and our gifted pal "Jack Coleman" and his crew did "La Costa Verde". I am excited to say the man who shot and is editing the "Savior" video also has the new Bond film "Quantum Of Solace" on his resume. I'm betting it is going to look pretty ace. Expect to see the new videos sometime this month. Since putting out this new album their have been so many wonderful people in our corner lending their support, so many people to thank, my goodness... All of you who went out and bought the album and told your friends to check it out as well as the good people at College and Indie radio stations all over North America who have been playing the new tunes. All the great bands who have had us open for them and the bands that have supported us these past few months ( Hot Hot Heat, Albert Hammond Jr.,Emily Wells, Eastern Conference Champions). Its been a pleasure doing business with ya.

Cool things coming up; We play this Sunday Aug.10th at our home town festival with our good buds Delta Spirit & Dawes. We play for Jack Colemans art show at Detroit Bar Aug.23rd and we are back at The Roxy with Dusty Rhodes and The Riverband on Sep.3rd. For more info on those gigs head to the bands myspace page.

You may be wondering where the tour dates are??? Hang tight,we've got a lot in the works right now and in the next coming weeks we should have it sorted. We are going to try and get around the US at least a few times this year as well as a trip to the UK.

What else can I tell you, oh YES! Believe it or not we are already writing songs for the next album. Everyones got a lot of tunes and when we find the time we will probably begin recording again between shows and all the other engagements. Unless I am forgetting something thats pretty much it for now. Y'all come back now ya hear.

Au revoir

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